Image contains a photo of a small black dog facing away from the camera on a green lawn. In the background, the blue water of a pool is visible before a number of trees and a small white pool building. Above this, there are blue clouds.
House Sitting,  Personal,  Travel,  Veganism

2019: Up & Down & Back & Forth

It took me a little longer than I had planned to finish this, but now that it’s done I can start to focus on all the things I have in the works for 2020. As some of you may know, 2019 was a rough year due to a lot of deaths revolving around my house sitting, and I’m honestly happy that it’s over. Granted, a new year isn’t necessarily going to stop it from happening again, especially since it just means all the animals I’ve come to love are now older, but it did feel good to post this video and give the whole year some closure.

Of course, it also wasn’t all bad. There were plenty of great things that happened in 2019, and it felt good to look back on many of those over the last few days too.

Good and bad, I’m looking forward to this coming year, and I can’t wait to start announcing the things I’ve been working on!