WAIW | How to Eat a Mangosteen
Known as the “queen of fruit” to many, mangosteens are a rather wonderful fruit that isn’t commonly available in many parts of the world. Thankfully, here in Vietnam, they’re plentiful when the time is right. Lucky for me, that time happens to be now. So, I’ve started eating them regularly, and that got me to thinking that perhaps folks might want to know just how to do that. With that in mind, today’s WAIW episode covers two ways to open and eat a mangosteen.
The Short Version
The First Option: you use a knife to cut around the circumference of the mangosteen without cutting too deep in order to separate the semi-hard skin from the fruit inside. Once you do this, you pull it off and then enjoy the various sections within while being mindful of the possible seeds.
The Second Option: use your thumbs to press gently down on the bottom of the mangosteen in order to cause the skin to split. Once this happens, you can then peel the sections off to expose the inner fruit.
That’s it! Simple, right? If you do it differently, let me know in the comments.
For more on the mangosteen, check out this article.