
It's my site, so I should be able to ramble, right?

  • Image contains a photo of a white bowl of soup and noodles on the left, a glass cup of tea in the top right-hand corner, and a paper note in the bottom right-hand. On the note, there is handwriting that says "Vitamin B12, iron, homocysteine, ferritin, and hemoglobin electrophoresis."

    WAIW | Healthcare Should Be Universal

    After coming to terms with the fact that I most likely have a B12 deficiency, I finally took the time today to get some blood work done, and that led me to think about healthcare.

  • Image contains a photo of a fence covered in green leaves and vines.

    WAIW | Am I A Vegan With A B12 Deficiency?

    Over more than a decade, I've had a number of ups and downs with my health, but few of them have likely been related to my veganism. Currently, a possible B12 deficiency is one of them.